Control Humidity In Your Prattville, AL Home

Control Humidity

Control Humidity In Your Prattville, AL Home

Central Alabama residents aren’t strangers to high heat and humidity in the summer, leaving us yearning for colder weather or the cool comfort inside our homes. However, if the humidity levels in your home are too high, you’ll be left feeling uncomfortable inside as well. To add to it, you’ll also experience high energy bills as your system works harder than necessary to cool your home. So, how do you control humidity in your home, even with the extreme outdoor moisture levels in central Alabama? Follow these tips!

Invest In High-Efficiency Home Comfort

Your best option for optimally regulating humidity in your home is to invest in a high-efficiency, variable speed comfort system from Barrett Cooling. Technology in newer air conditioning systems, built even within the past 5 years, surpasses what we’ve ever seen in terms of humidity control. These systems monitor humidity levels in every room of your home and adjust automatically for the best results. By maintaining a humidity level around 40-50%, your thermostat can even be set to a higher temperature during the summer. This helps with your energy savings by keeping your system from working so hard to cool your home in harsh humidity, and raising the cooling set point with the same, or even better comfort levels.

American Standard

Barrett Cooling proudly offers American Standard comfort systems because they are some of the best systems on the market for maintaining home comfort year around. These systems run efficiently enough to save you noticeable amounts on your energy bills each month. On top of that, they run quietly and are offered at a great value with seasonal promotional rebates and financing options available (with approved credit). 

With an American Standard comfort system, you don’t have to worry about temperature swings or an underperforming system. Without the energy expenditure of constantly starting and stopping, these systems save you money each month by operating at a lower energy level all while keeping you more comfortable. 

These systems also ensure clean, conditioned air flows constantly through your home, creating less opportunity for stagnant air which could result in mold growth or condensation around your windows. Your home and your family will experience maximum comfort at all times with our American Standard heating and air conditioning systems.

Other Effects of Humidity in Your Home

When humidity levels in your home are too high, you may notice sporadic mold growth, humid or clammy rooms, and even frequent allergy attacks on those living in your home. This is because the hot outside conditions mix with the cold indoor conditions creating moisture in the air. If your system isn’t operating efficiently and the air in your home is too warm, humidity levels will rise and make your home feel hotter and uncomfortable. Too high humidity levels can be dangerous to the safety and health of your family. 

10 Simple Ways to Lower Humidity

  1. 1. Frequently change or clean your air filter.
  2. 2. Take cooler showers and use the exhaust fans.
  3. 3. Fix any leaky pipes.
  4. 4. Replace windows with interior condensation.
  5. 5. Wash clothes in cold water.
  6. 6. Hang laundry to dry outside.
  7. 7. Move plants outside or into a sunroom.
  8. 8. Cook outside often.
  9. 9. Use ceiling fans to circulate air. 
  10. 10. Get a dehumidifier from Barrett Cooling.


Learn More

Our professional staff can recommend additional tips for controlling moisture levels in your home when humidity levels are particularly high. We can answer any questions you might have and make recommendations as to which system will work better for your home.

To view the air conditioners we offer in the Prattville and Elmore, AL area, visit our Air Conditioners page on our website. For questions about humidity in your home, call us at (334) 365-2011 or email us at [email protected].

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates, information, and helpful tips regarding your HVAC system.